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Image by David Marcu

Organizational Partners

Entermission is proud to partner with organizations dedicated to bringing the kingdom of God to fruition. We wanted to give a shout out to the people who make the EnterMission experience possible whether it be through financial support or organizational collaboration.


Click the logos to learn more about our friends!

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Young Entrepreneurs

Become a partner?

EnterMission participants raise their own funds to cover the cost of their experience. At present, we offer a one semester or two option. The first semester includes the 2+ months of training at Johnson University and the 2+ months of ministry experience serving throughout the U.S. with various non-profits. The second semester includes their 4+ months of overseas service. The total cost of one semester is $7,000.00. The Following SPONSORSHIP opportunities exist: 

Our students, staff, and interns are required to raise their own funds each year.  We are seeking churches and organizations who will help sponser our students and leaders. It is our belief that as they step out in faith to raise support, that prividing the right amount of help is not only a blessing but an affirmation that they are on the right track.


To this end we have innitiated a $3,000.00 sponsership initiative where we connect a staff member or student to their sponsoring church or organization. Our sponsee communicates before, during, and after the experience. 


There is no denying that some of the biggest issues facing our country can only be resolved when Christians learn how to live and minister across our cultural divides. EnterMission believes that when we connect with people who differ from us, we gain a more complete understanding of who God is, and what He desires to do in the world.


We have developed our diversity sponsorship to provide opportunities for applicants from under-represented communities who would not have the ability to participate due to insufficient financing. 

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When I came to EnterMission I wasn't expecting such a massive change and I realized how much I have to learn and develop.  My experience has really changed my life and made me understand what EnterMission is really doing.  I'm really thankful for EnterMission and it has changed my life for the better.

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